Cherry Grove Dredging Project Update

As of Mid-Day on Monday, November 28 (see attached map for channel locations) the status of the dredging of the channels in Cherry Grove is as follows:

Channel E:    Complete
Channel F:    Complete
Channel G:    Complete
Channel H:    Ongoing –  Over halfway down the canal.
Channel J:    Dredging started in canal entrance.
Channel L:    Complete

Minor Channel (Runs Perpendicular to the Lettered Canals):   Ongoing.

Dredging Schedule: Since we issued a two week schedule in early November, we have learned that issuing a per-channel dredging schedule is not a meaningful exercise. Either of the two dredges being used can encounter materials other than sand or mud, such as rocks, boards and other debris, during the dredging process. That throws off projected time frames. Also, not every channel has the same volume of material in it. In one channel it might be feasible to dredge from high tide through to low tide, while in another, work must stop at mid-tide. Additionally, the pipeline must be extended or retracted, depending on the locations of the dredges.

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