The SC Department of Health & Environmental Control's (DHEC) Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM) is required by law to establish and periodically review the position of two lines of beachfront jurisdiction once every seven to ten years. The lines were last reviewed from 2008-2010. These lines guide beachfront shoreline development and support the state’s beachfront management goals.
DHEC establishes two lines of beachfront jurisdiction - the baseline and the setback line. The baseline is the more seaward of the two jurisdictional lines, while the setback line is the landward line. To locate and establish the baseline and setback line, DHEC utilizes the best available scientific and historical data, including state-of-the art LIDAR, GPS and aerial photography.
According to statute, the jurisdictional baseline position established through the current process must not be moved seaward from its position on December 31, 2017.
The setback area is NOT a "no-build" area. New and existing homes are allowed within the setback area under certain conditions and with authorization by the department. DHEC staff is available to assist citizens in understanding the lines and the process.
DHEC has developed an online tool that shows the proposed new lines in detail at shoreline/.
Additional information about the proposed beachfront jurisdictional lines, including a video on how the lines are developed, location details for public hearings and individual beach line reports are available at beachfrontlines.
DHEC will hold a public hearing for the Grand Strand Region on October 25, 6pm-8pm, at Horry-Georgetown Tech, Building 600, 950 Crabtree Lane, Myrtle Beach.
Public comments may also be submitted to DHEC-OCRM, Attn: Barbara Neale, 1362 McMillan Avenue, Suite 400, Charleston, SC 29405.