Mayor Marilyn Hatley Proclaims October 9 as "Pandas/Pans Awareness Day" in North Myrtle Beach

During the October 2 North Myrtle Beach City Council meeting, Mayor Marilyn Hatley presented a Proclamation naming October 9 as PANDAS/PANS Awareness Day in North Myrtle Beach.

Her decision to issue the Proclamation came about when Claire Calhoun, a local volunteer for the PANDAS/PANS Research Advocacy Institute (PRAI), approached the Mayor to talk with her about the need to make more people with children aware of PANDAS/PANS related illnesses and their symptoms. Claire's young son, Sam, bravely deals with symptoms of PANS.

Having learned more about PANDAS/PANS, Mayor Hatley agreed to help increase local awareness.

PANDAS stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections.

PANS stands for Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome.

A child suffering from PANDAS and/or PANS may have a sudden, dramatic change in personality displayed as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which can display as intense fear and anxiety. Accompanying symptoms may include tics, anxiety, depression, behavioral regression, deterioration in school performance, sensory sensitivities, severely restricted food intake, and more.

Both PANDAS and PANS are associated with infection-triggered autoimmune responses known as “molecular mimicry.” This occurs when our immune system mistakenly attacks normal body tissues because of the structural similarities between a particular molecule on an infectious agent and the molecules in our own body tissues.

Rheumatic Fever is one example of molecular mimicry where the immune system attacks the heart valves in some individuals after experiencing a strep infection. In PANDAS and PANS, something similar occurs where antibodies are triggered to attack a part of the brain called the Basal Ganglia, resulting in deterioration of movement, cognitive perception, habit, executive "logic based" thinking, emotions, and the endocrine system.

PANDAS requires symptom onset prior to puberty. The age cap is based on studies that indicated that 98% of 12-year-olds have immunity against strep infections and, therefore, could not develop post-streptococcal sequelae, such as PANDAS.

PANS has no age limitation, but symptoms typically begin during the grade-school years. Patients can also have their initial symptom onset during adolescence.

A conservative estimate is that there are 162,000 cases of PANDAS/PANS in the United States alone. PANDAS/PANS is likely as common as Pediatric Cancer and Pediatric Diabetes, and can seriously affect the healthy outcome of a child’s life.

For more information on PANDAS/PANS, please visit

Shown left to right in the accompanying photo are Mayor Marilyn Hatley, Sam Calhoun, Claire Calhoun.

Results October 2 North Myrtle Beach City Council Meeting

CITY COUNCIL PASSED FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE to amend Chapter 23, Zoning Code of Ordinances to include lot width reductions on streets using an “eyebrow” cul-de-sac design, an example of which is shown in the accompanying photo.

The existing ordinance permits lot width reductions on dead-end cul-de-sac streets within the R-1, R-1A, R1B, and R2B zoning districts; however, the same reduction is not available for streets utilizing an “eyebrow” design because “eyebrow" is not specifically listed in the ordinance. “Eyebrow” design is a preferred alternative to a dead-end cul-de-sac in the Land Development Regulations, with less impact on traffic congestion, and city planning and development staff believe the same lot width reduction should apply.

Additionally, the lot width exception does not include the R-2, R-2A, R-3, and R-4 districts. Staff is asking to standardize the Code by allowing any residential district the ability to reduce lot widths for properties fronting cul-de-sacs or “eyebrows.”

-- CITY COUNCIL PASSED SECOND (FINAL) READING of a Zoning Ordinance text amendment allowing wireless personal telephone transmission antennae on buildings less than 120 feet in height. The amendment prohibits the placement of cell phone transmission and accessory equipment on one and two-family dwellings.

In the past few years, the city heard from some cell phone carrier representatives about the need for better cell phone coverage citywide. Wi-Fi, 4G and 5G data use by cell phone customers has greatly expanded and gaps in coverage have persisted.

The amendment does not change the code regulating antennae or accessory equipment located atop flat-roofed buildings greater than 120 feet in height; those standards still apply.

The amendment does not address allowing freestanding transmission antennae beyond the existing standards already in place.

-- CITY COUNCIL PASSED SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE rezoning 11.66 acres of land located on Ye Olde Kings Highway from R-1 (Single-Family Residential Low Density) to R-2B (Single-Family Residential Medium Density). The property is currently undeveloped.

City Council emphasized that it based its decision to allow the use of the R-2B district in this particular instance only because of the generally substandard size of many of the surrounding R-1 parcels and the close proximity of the R-3 district to this property. Council emphasized that it would consider any future such requests on a case by case basis.

The North Myrtle Beach City Council holds its regularly scheduled meetings at 7:00 p.m.on the first and third Monday of each month at City Hall, 1018 Second Avenue South

October 3 Planning Commission Workshop & Meeting Agenda

The North Myrtle Beach Planning Commission will hold an October 3 Workshop (9am) and Meeting (5pm) at City Hall, 1018 Second Avenue South.


initiated an amendment to the Land Development Regulations text to allow private
streets within the R1B zoning district for singlefamily residential uses.

-- PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT SUP1706: A major preliminary plat of subdivision
for The Reserve to create 7 lots of record and public rightsofway off Ye Olde Kings Highway in Cherry Grove.

To view or download the Workshop/Meeting agenda and background materials please visit here: or visit and look under "Agendas" or "Press Releases" on the homepage.

October 2 North Myrtle Beach City Council Meeting Agenda

The North Myrtle Beach City Council will meet on October 2 at City Hall, 1018 Second Avenue South.

The agenda includes a 6:15 p.m. Executive Session and a 7:00 p.m. Meeting.

-- Legal Briefing: Jeanie Miller vs. The City of North Myrtle Beach NMB etal 2017 CV 261093782

-- Discussion of a potential contract for Mayfest on Main® 2018


-- PROCLAMATION: PANDAS/PANS Awareness Day. (PANDAS is the acronym for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal lnfections. PANS is the acronym for Pediatric Acute Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndromes.)

-- ORDINANCE/ SECOND READING: A Zoning Ordinance text amendment to allow
wireless personal telephone transmission antennae on buildings less than 120 feet in height.

--ORDINANCE/ SECOND READING: Rezoning request for 11.66 acres of land located
on Ye Olde Kings Highway from R-1 (Single Family Residential Low Density) to
R-2B (Single-Family Residential Medium Density).

--ORDINANCE/ FIRST READING: A proposed amendment to Chapter 23, Zoning
Code of Ordinances of the City of North Myrtle Beach.

To view or download the agenda packet, which includes background materials for each agenda item, please visit:

If the link provided does not work for you, visit and look under "Agendas" or "Press Releases" on the homepage.

Free Nov 4 North Myrtle Beach Public Safety Department Motorcycle Collision Avoidance Training Seminar

The North Myrtle Beach Public Safety Department offers a free November 4, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Motorcycle Collision Avoidance Training Seminar for motorcycle riders who have basic riding knowledge and who can operate their motorcycles on the roadway with little to no trouble.

The course, limited to 20 participants, will introduce motorcycle riders to the five basic riding techniques, riding in confined areas, proper braking techniques, evasive maneuvers, and other collision avoidance related exercises. 

The day will begin with a short classroom session at the J. Bryan Floyd Community Center (1030 Possum Trot Road) and will then move to the North Myrtle Beach Drag Strip (2003 Star Bluff Road, Longs, SC) to apply safe riding techniques.

Motorcycle Instructors Sgt. Ray Pollock and L.Cpl. Chris Shick are both Institute of Police Management & Training (IPTM) Police Motorcycle Instructors, and both have spent over nine years working as Police Motor Officers. The goal of this course is to improve each rider’s ability to avoid injuries and motorcycle collisions.

Lunch will be provided free of charge to all seminar participants and water will be available throughout the day.

Required Equipment
- Functioning, licensed, registered and insured street-legal motorcycle
- Over the ankle boots
            - Comfortable riding pants and shirts 
            - D.O.T. approved helmet
            - State Beginners Permit or Motorcycle Endorsement
            - A good attitude. 
            - We strongly recommend riding gloves and protective eyewear.
            - Riders will be required to sign a release of liability form.

NO charge for the course and there is no prerequisite course required.

Maximum of 20 students, so sign up early.
Registration Contact
Sgt. Ray Pollock
Course Location & Time        
J. Bryan Floyd Community Center
November 4, 2017 @ 8 AM to 5 PM

Medicine Drop-off Booth Available at September 30 Irish Italian International Festival in North Myrtle Beach

The North Myrtle Beach Public Safety Department will staff a Medicine Drop-Off Booth at theSeptember 30 Irish Italian International Festival on Main Street.

Bring unused, expired and unwanted prescription and over the counter medicines to the North Myrtle Beach Police booth, which will be located at the Main Street entrance to the festival from10am-4pm. (Liquids and syringes will not be accepted.) 

Unused medicines in homes create a public health and safety concern because they can be accidentally ingested, stolen, misused, or abused.

North Myrtle Beach Emergency Beach Renourishment Project Update


Weather and mechanical factors permitting, a $10.6 Million U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Emergency Beach Renourishment Project is scheduled to begin the week ofOctober 2 in North Myrtle Beach.

About 400,000 cubic yards of sand will be dredged from offshore and piped on to the beach to renourish those sections of beach that do not have adequate protection.

The contractor, Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company, will work 24 hours a day, seven days a week during construction, usually completing up to 500 feet per day, barring mechanical or weather/sea condition delays.

Pipelines will come on to the beach at about 28th Avenue North, far north Cherry Grove, and Atlantic Beach. The project will start at about 28th Avenue North and initially move north. Two dredges will be used offshore.

The beach access at 18th Avenue North will be used for equipment storage.

Designed and paid for by the USACE, the sole purpose of the project is to protect structures from storm surge and/or high tide. The USACE designed the emergency project according to its guidelines and regulations.

Once the USACE's emergency beach renourishment project has concluded toward the end of October or early November, the city will contract to have about 50,000 cubic yards of sand delivered to the beach to help reestablish dunes in sections where they were eliminated or severely eroded during Hurricane Matthew. The city will pay for this project, estimated at about $1 million.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has established a mapping website that you may use to keep up with the daily status of its renourishment project. To access the mapping site, please follow this link:

If the above link does not work for you, enter this link into your browser:

The accompanying photo is of the Surfside Beach renourishment project and was included in an article on