The North Myrtle Beach Planning Commission approved a request for a preliminary plat of subdivision for Ocean Peak to create 31 lots of record and two public rights-of-way between Hillside Drive and Strand Avenue. (The privately owned property is sometimes referred to by members of the public as "Ingram Dunes.")
The Planning Commission's role is not to decide on the "worth" of a proposed subdivision or project but to determine if an applicant's request adheres to city ordinances governing the particular request, which this request did.
The applicant also asked the Planning Commission to act to allow removal of trees on lots throughout the subdivision but the Commission voted to take no action. This means that the applicant will have to request a variance from the city's Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) in order to accomplish such work. The application period for the April BZA meeting has passed and the next available BZA meeting is May 10.
This item will NOT go before City Council. The approved application for a preliminary plat of subdivision was based on the property's original zoning (R-1 Single-Family Residential Low Density) and as such does not require Council review or approval.
Previously, the applicant did file a request to rezone the property from R-1 Single Family Residential Low Density to R-1B Single Family Residential Low to Medium Density. Because it was a request for a rezoning of the property, it was required to go before City Council and did so at the February 6, 2017 City Council meeting. The request failed when no motion was made to act on the applicant's request. Thus, the original R-1 zoning remained in place.
As is true of any development project, the property owner would also have to apply for and receive a land disturbance permit relating to storm water control, and a water and sewer permit. The applicant would also apply for a grading permit, which if granted, would allow them to develop the rights-of-way within the subdivision, including tree removal within the rights-of-way only. These permits are reviewed and granted or not at the staff level and some of the permits may involve a joint review with other agencies.